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Meet The artist

Born Sarah Michael Kitinga, Phina is a Tanzanian singer, recording artist and performer whose rise into the Music industry can be traced back to 2018 where she won Tanzania’s most prestigious talent competition showcase, Bongo Star Search (BSS) founded by the country’s renowned media entrepreneur Rita Paulsen known by many as ‘Madam Rita’.

In 2021 Phina released her first official single ‘In Love’ and was instantly received well with the fans whom she had already built since her appearance on BSS and, has ever since been on a journey of greatness as her talent has not only dubbed her one of Tanzania’s promising music acts but also one of Tanzania’s best LIVE performing acts.

In 2022 Phina managed to win two Tanzania Music Awards (TMA) for Best Upcoming Female Artist and Best Performing Female Artist, a historical event that had made a huge comeback after a 5 year hiatus.
She is considered one of the few female rising stars from Tanzania with a promising future of representing the untapped number of Talents coming out of East Africa on the global stage.

Credit: Mzuka Kibao
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